Process of Change

Here is the Process of Change:

Change the Handbook to instruct Bishops to allow women to pray
I think I applaud this, and am mad at the same time, I mean why do we need instruction from the prophet to do something that should already be done
Change to Handbook to emphasis Ward Council where women sit, over other meetings the Bishop has
Same feelings
Come out with Daughters in my Kingdom
Interesting, but still with in the whole Patriarchal Model, doesn't make me feel better, but at least something is changing
Two women speakers per general Conference
This has been pretty consistent for the last 3 years as far as I've seen, now all we need to do is have Women pray in General Conference
Open paid positions once reserved for men to women
This is a good thing, but not very noticeable, the Church feels to keep this on the downlow and I dont' understand why, publish it to the world really. The Church should have a site entitled “We stand for Equality” and show all the measures it has taken to help women be equal, and help themselves as men, know this
By word of mouth, some Bishopric memebers are bearing testimony of knowledge of Heavenly Mother

That is a good sign, something I hope spreads like a wildfire, the more we talk of her, and speak her name, the less odd it will be, the better we will all feel, and the sooner I believe Revelation will come on the matter. If we accept her, we will then soon pine for more knowledge, and we must rise and ask for it. Hopefully that will happen soon.

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