
This is the page where I am going to be talking about Culture in the Church, what it is, and how it varies from ward to ward, and stake to stake in the Church across the world. I will highlight those practices that are common to Utah Mormonism, and then branch outward.

Calling for Guest posts. Please submit your guest post to me on what is Cultural in Church.

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Roles are cultural:

I will just get down to the bottom line. For me Roles are Cultural. There isn't really anything more cultural in my opinion then roles. The only thing that a woman does that a man doesn't is carry a child. And the only thing it seems that a man does that a woman doesn't is hold the ordinance priesthood. And yet we hear that this will go on forever, and ever. Well, to me, it doesn't bold well for equality. I cannot equate just one thing that I do to be everything I am, and that is why I'm worth it, and that is everything that I will be doing in Kingdom come. I cannot equate just one thing that men do in their life as everything they are supposed to do. Yes, this Gospel is really, really, really important, but it's also just one aspect of our Eternal Lives. I do live with the Gospel but I find it unbalanced if that is all I worry about all the time. And I find I'm worried about it because I don't want the roles as stated in the Family a Proclamation. I want the individual path my Heavenly Parents have laid out for me. That which my Heavenly Father, and yes my Heavenly Mother want me to do. I don't think women up in heaven, just passively nod and go along feeding the children and cleaning up the house, and managing their house while Heavenly Father sits in council with only men. I do not think that is Zion. Plus leaving Church alone and my personal belief alone for a few seconds, if you personally study this world and look at how roles are so varied from culture to culture, even if they seem similar, you can see that Roles are definitely culturally defined. So many different ways of living and running a home, and some of them are similar to what we are used to, and others are not. Well, how could I not loose my faith, still follow the prophets, but feel I am living the life I'm supposed to live? I define my life not by roles, but by who I feel I'm supposed to be, what I want to do with my life, and how my Heavenly Parents guide me through the son Jesus Christ. I truly believe that my life is going to be equal, but I can not live with "Separate, but equal" roles in the home. At Church I sort of have no other choice, but at home, I with my Husband will have every choice in the world. And we choose
and all the challenges that brings, and I claim the Adaptation principle from the Family a Proclamation. I feel the Lord knows very well what will make me flourish and he wanted me to find it. Now I have.

I do however understand that there are those that will disagree with me. Let us though focus on serving the Lord, Loving ourselves, and our neighbors, and being the Lords hands in this work. One day Zion will come, but not all is well in Zion. And we need to be aware that we should focus on teaching correct principles, and governing ourselves.

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